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NUke tools

I create nodes for fun or for work. I recently started sharing them, and you will soon find more nodes on Nukepedia. I am really eager to learn how to improve my nodes and make them more user-friendly. If you have any tips or feedback, I would greatly appreciate it. 🙂

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The pvDefocus node is an enhanced version of the standard ZDefocus node in Nuke. It includes options for various measurements, f-stop control, 2D option, and a lens breathing function that works automatically when animating the focus plane. Unlike the standard node, the focus plane is no longer limited to a range of 0 to 1, eliminating the need to normalize your depth pass.

Download: here

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pvEasyIBK is a combination of IBK Color and IBK Gizmo. Instead of the stacking method, this node uses an edge extend technique to generate your clean plate. As a result, it is less resource-intensive for your Nuke script while delivering equally good or even better results in less time. It includes additional features such as an option to change your color space to retrieve more details from your key, as well as matte controls that allow you to fine-tune your alpha or just the core.

Download: here


About me

My name is Praba and I work as a compositor in the visual effects industry for Film & Television.  I graduated from the Netherlands Film Academy. 

My love for visual effects began with films such as Lord of the Rings and Avatar (2009). At a young age, I was introduced to programs like After Effects and Cinema 4D to create my own visual effects shots. Nowadays, my hobby has become my work and went from After Effects to Nuke. I enjoy both the technical and creative aspects of compositing, but above all, I love creating beautiful frames.

I also enjoy photography and videography, you can find more of my work on my Instagram account.